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Getting Started

How do I get my discounted UC San Diego pass with PRONTO?

First, download the PRONTO app to your Apple or Android device. Then, register for an account using your “” email address. You must use your UC San Diego email address to be able to link to the discounted pass program.

After you have set up your account and created a virtual card*, watch this quick tutorial on how to link to the correct UC San Diego pass program and how to download your pass (U-Pass only):

*Riders who want to use a physical PRONTO card should not create a virtual card. Instead, link an existing PRONTO card within the app, then proceed to linking your account to UC San Diego (and downloading the pass if using the student U-Pass).

What do I do if I don’t have a mobile device?

Students, faculty and staff who don’t have a mobile device can link a physical card to their PRONTO account. You can visit us at the Gilman Service Center weekdays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (excluding university holidays) to link a physical card using one of our iPads.

What do I do if I am an international student?

Currently, International Program (IP) students are not eligible for the U-Pass on PRONTO. IP students should download the PRONTO app or get a PRONTO card at a Trolley ticket machine or retail outlet and use the best fare or Month Pass payment options. Learn more about using PRONTO.

What do I do if I am faculty or staff and I qualify for a reduced fare (Senior, Disabled or Medicare rider)?

Faculty and staff who qualify for a reduced fare must be approved by MTS and provide proof of their SDM registration to UC San Diego Transportation Services before any discounted passes can added to your account.

You can go to the MTS Transit Store (open weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for approval, or call the PRONTO Support Team at (619) 595-5636 (weekdays 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Once you have been approved for SDM, email to notify us that your PRONTO account has been authorized for SDM products. We’ll change your transportation account and you’ll be able to enroll in the SDM Transit PROMO or SDM Coaster PROMO. Please note, you must be eligible for payroll deductions to enroll in PROMO programs.

I registered for a PRONTO account with my personal email address. Can I switch it to my UC San Diego email address?

No, you cannot change your username (email) once an account has been created. You will need to create a new account using your “” email.

App vs. Card

Can I transfer the pass from my phone to a physical PRONTO card or vice versa?

No, passes cannot be transferred between the phone or a card. Riders need to select one fare product or the other.

How do I link a physical PRONTO card to my UC San Diego pass program?

Login to your PRONTO app account. Do not select the option to “Create a Virtual Card.” Instead:

  • Go to the “Manage” tab, select the “+” in the upper right corner and select the option to “Link Existing Card.”
  • Enter the 20-digit card number on the back of your PRONTO card and the pin number.
  • Then, proceed to link your account to the appropriate UC San Diego Pass program.

When you add your pass in the app (U-Pass), or when UC San Diego adds your pass to your account (FaSt Pass), the pass will be added automatically to your physical card number. (You will not have a QR code on your phone and will board MTS and/or NCTD vehicles using your PRONTO card.)


When will my FaSt pass be available?

Month Passes are available from the first day of the month through the last day of the month. To receive the Month Pass for the following month, you must enroll in the UC San Diego FaSt Pass program by the 25th of the previous month.

I have my pass. How do I ride using PRONTO?

If using the PRONTO card, simply tap your card at station or vehicle validators every time you board.

If using the mobile app, open the QR code on the “Use” tab and scan the QR code at station or vehicle validators when you board. Hold the phone approximate 5” below the scanner for best results and try to avoid scanning in direct sunlight.

How do I transfer my pass to another device?

To transfer your PRONTO pass to another device, log in to your account on the new device. When you open the PRONTO app, you will be prompted to transfer your pass and block the previous device. Keep in mind that once you transfer the pass and/or block the previous device, it cannot be transferred back to the original device.

What do I do if I lost my PRONTO card?

If you lose your PRONTO card with your U-Pass or FaSt Pass on it, contact for a replacement card/pass.


If you are having trouble linking to the U-Pass or FaSt Pass programs or have questions about purchasing the faculty/staff FaSt Pass,please email For technical support issues, contact the PRONTO Support Center at (619) 595-5636 or