Parking with Disabled Person Plates or Placard
If you have a Disabled Person (DP) placard or license plate, you can park in these spaces without a UC San Diego parking permit:
- Handicap-accessible spaces designated by the wheelchair symbol, found in every UC San Diego parking lot
- Metered spaces (no fee required)
- Spaces marked S, B or A (see below for exception)
Disabled Person placard or plates alone are not valid in:
- Spaces posted “A Permit required 7 days a week/ 24 hours a day”
- Spaces marked “Reserved”
- Areas painted with crosshatching or marked “No Parking”
- Areas that are not designated parking spaces
- Red curb, fire lane or yellow commercial zones (unless license plate allows)
- Timed loading zones, beyond the specified time
See a map of accessible parking spaces on campus.
Follow these guidelines:
- Clearly display your DP placard/plates.
- The DP placard must be hung from the rearview mirror.
- Only the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can issue DP placards/plates. To request a DP placard or plates, submit an application (PDF).
- Always carry valid identification and your DP identification card when using your DP placard/ plates. Show to law enforcement officers upon request.
- If another person drives or parks the vehicle, the authorized user must remain in the vehicle. Don’t let others use your DP placard to park in accessible spaces without you.
- DP placards expire periodically. Be sure your placard is current.
- Reserve wider “van accessible” spaces for vans with wheelchair lifts. If you don't use a lift-equipped van, only park in these spaces when no other handicap-accessible spaces are free.
- Before arriving, view the campus map or UC San Diego Health Locations to locate accessible parking spaces.
Report Abuse
If you see a vehicle parked in a handicap-accessible space without a disabled placard or plates, or someone is misusing a disabled placard, please call (858) 822-3379.
Contact a parking office.